Get Organic YouTube Views – Part 1

Tip #1 – Share it on social media
The first thing thatI recommend you to do right after you upload your videos is to share it on your facebook profile and on all your fanpages.
This will get you some initial traffic and views and it will also give you a ranking boost because YouTube likes to see that a video is shared on social media.


Tip #2 – Share your video in groups
If you don’t want to share your video on your fb profile or on your fanpage. No problem!
Join “views/subs exchange groups” a simple facebook search ( CLICK HERE ) will find you hundreds of such groups.
You can share your videos in the groups and people will watch and like your video…(NOTE: they will wait for you to do the same.)
Even better is to search facebook groups that are related to your video… and share your video in there.
But make sure to not spam.


Tip #3 – Share your video on Reddit
-This can be a GOLD MINE if you use it right. But again make sure to not SPAM on reddit because your account will get shut down instantly. Try to share your videos only in subreddits that allow sharing videos.

Tip #4 – Email your list
If you have an email list… use it at maximum!
I like to upload my videos as unlisted and after that email my list about the new upload. That way I will get HIGH quality views with high retention and a lot of likes in a short time… 4-5 hours after I email my list, I make my video PUBLIC.
You can just use the video script as an email and send it to your list, or just tell your list that you’ve uploaded a new video for them and give them the link to check out the new video.

Tip #5 – Get your viewers to SUBSCRIBE
-Even if at the beginning you will not get a lot of views from your subscribers… on the long-run this is super important.
As your channel will grow… so will the percent of the views that will come from your existing subscribers.
Make sure to end all your videos with a “call-to-action” asking your viewers to subscribe.

Tip #6 – Feature your new videos on your YouTube page.
Right after you’ve added your video to YouTube, make sure your video the featured video on the front page.
People looking at your YouTube page should be seeing your most current video. (this is needed for the next 2 tips)

Tip #7 – Get your viewers back to your channel
Reply to comments, up-vote the comments, “heart” the comments.
This will send each user a notification and he will get back to check your channel and watch your new videos.