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YouTargetr is a Brand New Powerful YouTube Ads Targeting App That Lets You Grab Quality Buyer Traffic for Pennies

How We Turned $5 into $97,209 in 2018!

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What Is YouTargetr?

YouTargetr Allow Users Spend Less Time And Save More Money While Getting Maximum Results (Penny Clicks) From YouTube Video Ads.

The software Helps Them Find Their Niche-Specific Videos, Channels to Place Their Video Ads In Seconds Without Needing to Do All the Hard Work While Getting Quick And Fast Results Tapping Into The Grossly Despised But Profitable World Of YouTube Video Ads.

This Video Marketing/YouTube Ads Targeting/SEO app combines the incredible power of Google and Youtube search ability to fetch you just the right monetized videos or niche-specific trending videos to target in your YouTube ads.

EXCLUSIVE Blaster members bonuses:

Bonus #1

Youtube Videos To

WordPress Posts

Youtube Videos To WordPress Posts plugin allow users to import Youtube videos to WordPress in the easiest possible way. 

Bonus #2

Video Robot

WP Video Robot is the ultimate WordPress solution for creating automated and standalone video websites.

Bonus #3


Vlogger is the perfect Video WordPress theme for YouTubers, Video Tutorials, Online Courses and videoblogs.

Bonus #4

YT Comment Blaster

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